Microscopy USA
Microscopy USA

CEAI - August 2014
Microscopy USA offers a highly successful and intense two-day training program that allows biomedical and clinical engineers to bring clinical microscope servicing and repair in-house. The program is not over burdened with useless optical theory ... but rather addresses the real world of microscope servicing. The instructor is a former clinical laboratory technologist and has performed over 60,000 clinical microscope PMs as a contracted vendor.
Please view the 'Table of Contents' of the preview copy of our Training Manual for a list of topics covered in the class. You will discover that our program is quite unique in that it bridges the gap between microscope servicing and the expectations of the laboratory personnel ... allowing your techs to quickly gain their trust and confidence. Graduates receive a certificate of completion, unlimited free follow-up support, and an unconditional guarantee of satisfaction!
Please contact us so that we can answer your questions!